Maximize the service life of your hydraulic systems now

Effective sealing in demanding hydraulic applications requires that seals and lubricant work together.

Effective sealing in demanding hydraulic applications requires that seals and lubricant work together.


Performance. Effectiveness. Longevity. These are the things that matter in engineering. They are also the things that an effective sealing and lubrication system safeguards.

Lubrication management technology from
approaches hydraulic sealing and lubrication systems from a holistic perspective, where each element is a complementary component of a unified whole. Lubrication management technology uses appropriate lubrication to reduce the load on each sealing element, thus optimizing the performance of the hydraulic system in terms of friction, wear and service life.


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Training for our team on RKB bearings and their applications

Training is essential in our industry. RKB has provided us with training to learn about its bearings and their applications.

Self-centering parallel collets CGPL SERIES

CGPL SERIES, the ideal solution for assembling components of various sizes with precision and speed.

We provide raw material for the manufacture of sealing gaskets.

A fundamental aspect of gasket design is the selection of the raw material.
Industrial Sealing and Components

Turcon® Roto L

Industrial seals and sealing rings are often used interchangeably, as they perform similar functions in preventing leakage in applications. However, there are some key differences ...
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